

Monday, May 11, 2009


Happy Mother's Day yesterday! Hope moms got some relaxing time - Jim was sure good to me, let me sleep in (in between all the work calls :-) and he and the kids made cards and brownies and let me have some alone time - it was just what I wanted :-) This past week the work van was in the shop again - we're ready to change mechanics, the problems are just not getting fixed. Also, Gwen went to a food storage class at the cannery and John hung out with daddy and they got Reagan. Tuesday Jim had Elder's Quorum night and Gwen and the kids went to Pack Meeting. It was pretty chaotic and then home to bed. Wed we had something but I can't remember. Thursday was John's jumping beans class - only 3 boys showed up so we built towers with foam blocks and destroyed them over and over! That afternoon we spent time at Cara's house and then Gwen had Roundtable that night and afterwards went for ice cream with her old Webelos partner. Friday morning Reagan's class had a tea party for all of the mom's. Reagan picked out pretty clothes for each of us and we had cake, punch and the kids sang and showed us a few things. It was fun and Reagan was so excited! Saturday Jim cleaned the church and spent the day mounting the tv above the fireplace. It sure looks good, a little different to get used to. Gwen did a cub scout orientation and that night the kids had a babysitter while Gwen and Jim played games with other couples in the ward. Sunday was a busy phone day for Gwen, church, and that night the Petersen gang and Thornley's came to dinner. Hope everyone is well, starting to look forward to all the exciting summer events. Too bad it's getting completely hot here!!!

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