Hi all! Monday started off with a visit to the doctor for John, he had pnuemonia. So we pretty much stayed home this week. Later that afternoon Reagan was off to the dentist for the first time, while dad babysat John. Actually last Sunday (2-1-09) as Reagan was brushing her teeth, I caught a different angle of her mouth and saw a tooth growing in behind one of her baby teeth on the bottom row. The dentist says it happens all the time but to work on getting the tooth out. So Reagan has proudly been wiggling her tooth! We stayed home...Jim worked...He had church night on Tuesday and Thursday night Gwen had the Scouting Roundtable. Imagine Gwen's surprise on Friday morning as she was brushing her teeth in a rush to go get Reagan from school, when the doorbell rang and it was our new polygamous neighbor lady with 3 small kids! They asked to picked some lemons from the tree, unfortunately Gwen had to run off to get Reagan so there wasn't time to visit. Right after her school on Friday also, Reagan went to see the doctor because mom was worried about her having pnuemonia (bad coughs). Of course her lungs were clear but she had an ear infection, so our next step? off to the ENT...ugh. Please don't ask if we are having more kids, I'm just not sure we can afford anymore in copays and prescriptions!!!!!! Saturday Jim worked on redoing a roof for an EQ service project. He was there all day and was pretty darn sore. Saturday evening we went to the baptism of Little Joseph Aposhian. There were alot of people and Gwen ended up walking outside with the kids cuz they were cranky and loud. Afterwards, Gwen snuck away with Kim for a late movie "Twilight" since we've been meaning to do that forever. Sunday church and rain. Hope everyone is well. Love, the Petersens and Happy Valentine's Day!
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