

Monday, February 23, 2009


Hi all! This past week was a busy one for Gwen and that meant that Jim got to spend ALOT of time with the kids! Monday was our #8 Anniversary so we got a babysitter and went to dinner, we decided against a movie and went window shopping in a new area instead. Tuesday was John's pnuemonia followup (he's OK) and then scouts and Jim got out of his church night because he was babysitting kids. On Tues and Wed nights Gwen attended a CCW class (Concealed Carry for Weapons). It was very interesting, some good stories, now just have to send in the paperwork and it will be official. But honestly, she's more scared about having the permit now after hearing some of the "moral dilemnas" posed in class. Here's one of the most entertaining stories of that class. The teacher and his wife were going to Mexico and they got stopped at the border. Well, you can't take anything even related to guns over the border, not an empty shell casing, not an empty holster, nothing. But he had forgotten to take out the handcuffs from under his seat (that's how he locks up his gun when he leaves it in his car) and they questioned him and he knew if he told them what it was for he would go to jail. So he thought for a minute and then said they were his wife's handcuffs and the border guy let them go without problems! Thursday Reagan was sick and so we stayed home that day. Friday she felt better so she went to school and then Gwen and the kids both went to the ENT. As Reagan was sitting in the patient chair and the nurse was taking down some info, Reagan felt something on her bottom lip and then I saw something fall to the floor. Her tooth fell out! It was quite exciting. Re: the ENT, Reagan is fine, John we need to watch for excessive snoring at night :-) We also got the fridge fixed that night! Saturday morning Reagan excitedly woke Jim up at 3am to tell him the toothfairy had visited and left her a $2 bill! She was thrilled! Saturday Gwen took the Webelos to the Science Center in Phoenix. It was an all day thing and was alot of fun. It's a really great museum and it was Engineering day so the boys got a ton of freebies (yo-yo's, pencils, pedometer, calculators, etc). Sunday was church with naughty kids in Sacrament Meeting and then dinner at Cake's house. Gwen has a new we'll keep you posted when it actually happens. Hope everyone has a great week! Love, the Petersens

Monday, February 16, 2009


Happy 8th Anniversary to us! :-) After a long week, we are happy to be celebrating today! As usual, I can never remember Mondays, Jim probably did errands and I probably did laundry. Tuesday we waited on a candy order. Wednesday Gwen had the final part of her root canal and the kids had fun playing with a neighbor girl. Thursday we waited for another candy order and our fridge died. So we also waited on the repair guy. It's temporarily fixed, but thank goodness for neighbors with a little freezer room. Can't juice and freeze lemons till it's fixed! Friday we had a short visit from Searles and then off to get Reagan from her Valentine's party. Of course, there was a lot of sugar involved! Saturday the kids went to Thornley's and decorated valentine cookies while Gwen went to the gym and that afternoon we did some errands as a family. On one of our errands we established a new Petersen tradition. Every valentines, we are going to go to the store, find the perfect card for each other, and then show them to each other, laugh (or cry) and re-shelf them :-) That night we started a family movie and it just ended in kids getting put to bed earlier because of tired crankiness. Sunday was church and Petersen dinner. We hope everyone is well. Have a great holiday and week! Love the Petersen gang

Monday, February 9, 2009


Hi all! Monday started off with a visit to the doctor for John, he had pnuemonia. So we pretty much stayed home this week. Later that afternoon Reagan was off to the dentist for the first time, while dad babysat John. Actually last Sunday (2-1-09) as Reagan was brushing her teeth, I caught a different angle of her mouth and saw a tooth growing in behind one of her baby teeth on the bottom row. The dentist says it happens all the time but to work on getting the tooth out. So Reagan has proudly been wiggling her tooth! We stayed home...Jim worked...He had church night on Tuesday and Thursday night Gwen had the Scouting Roundtable. Imagine Gwen's surprise on Friday morning as she was brushing her teeth in a rush to go get Reagan from school, when the doorbell rang and it was our new polygamous neighbor lady with 3 small kids! They asked to picked some lemons from the tree, unfortunately Gwen had to run off to get Reagan so there wasn't time to visit. Right after her school on Friday also, Reagan went to see the doctor because mom was worried about her having pnuemonia (bad coughs). Of course her lungs were clear but she had an ear infection, so our next step? off to the ENT...ugh. Please don't ask if we are having more kids, I'm just not sure we can afford anymore in copays and prescriptions!!!!!! Saturday Jim worked on redoing a roof for an EQ service project. He was there all day and was pretty darn sore. Saturday evening we went to the baptism of Little Joseph Aposhian. There were alot of people and Gwen ended up walking outside with the kids cuz they were cranky and loud. Afterwards, Gwen snuck away with Kim for a late movie "Twilight" since we've been meaning to do that forever. Sunday church and rain. Hope everyone is well. Love, the Petersens and Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 2, 2009


We are already finished with our first 2009 month? Crazy! Monday was pretty hectic. It was Kindergarten registration and Gwen waited pretty darn long before she realized that she didn't have to wait in the normal line but could just fill out the paperwork and hand it in since it's the same school Reagan will be attending. ugh. Then Gwen was off for a partial root canal. double ugh. Jim ending up taking the kids with him to the doctor for his knee shot and then Gwen started a very busy on-call week. Tuesday was Webelos for Gwen and then Pack Meeting and Jim got some work things done. Thursday the work van broke down & Jim didn't work Friday so we went to a new park and fed the ducks and watched the skaters at the skate park. Gwen also worked on getting corporate reports done that morning. Friday night Cake went to Reagan's school fundraiser. Reagan climbed the rock climbing wall and did a great job! However when they ran out of cotton candy before it was our turn, it was meltdown time. She sobbed the whole 3 blocks home (walking, mind you, so all the neighbors could hear it!) She came home and drew a picture on her door that basically said "no parents allowed" it was hilarious! Saturday Jim helped prepare a roof for next saturday's project and Gwen hauled the kids to the grocery store. That afternoon we went to Thornleys for Morgan's birthday celebration, the kids had a great time playing and the food was yummy. Then it was home for bed and Jim went to Jaren's house. Sunday was church, Jaren's wife Jennie and their daughter Hailey came to church with us so John had a friend in nursery. That night the Superbowl was on at our house and the game was enjoyed by all, even though the Cardinals lost. Now another week...but Reagan had a couple of funnies this week. Thursday morning as she was getting dressed for school she said, "you know what the great thing about socks is? They can go on either foot!" and then when we visited grandpa on Thursday afternoon she was fascinated with his pen that has four colors. Jim made the joke that grandpa always had that kind of pen and was probably born with it. Reagan ran up to Gwen and whispered in her ear, "mom, babies come out naked!" It was funny. Hope everyone has a good week. Love jim gwen reagan and john