

Monday, December 22, 2008


Yippeee! Only a few more days until Christmas and the kids are out of school and I haven't dared put any gifts under the tree yet! :-) This past week Gwen made an overdue trip to the dentist, everything looked OK except one thing (ugh) so off to the endodontist I go...ugh. That night Gwen started experiencing something she has never had...a UTI (ugh again). It was very painful and now she's on antibiotics and feeling much better. Wednesday night we babysat a couple of neighbor kids. It was good for the kids to play, although John and Reagan's friend Ian got into some pretty good little fist fights and Reagan tattling on Ian and Ian not obeying. It was so much fun, we decided to repeat it on Friday night with another family whose parents had a Christmas party :-) This time it was 3 girls and everyone played really well together (darts, clue and then a christmas show) and it was pretty late when their parents came. Saturday Jim and I decided we wanted to get away, so we found a babysitter and off we went. When we came home, her older brother was in the house and we could tell something was wrong. While we were gone, someone came to the door and she didn't recognize who it was so she didn't answer, they rang the bell again and she kind of opened it but then closed it and the guy was saying stuff like "hey in there...." and then he thought he heard someone say "come in" so he tried the door. Yes, our babysitter was freaked out! She called her dad to come over, put the kids in our bedroom and waited. We were not very happy about someone coming around like that and figured any of our friends would have called our cell phones. So Jim took his gun and walked around the house several times that night. Sunday at church after Sacrament meeting, our new neighbor stopped to tell Jim that he came by last night to get some help on something and at that same moment the babysitter walked by. Jim called to her and introduced her to our new neighbor and the guy from the night before! This is not an exaggeration - it really happened that way on Sunday. So it was a big relief that we knew who it was, but we feel so sorry for the babysitter - poor girl. She's the same one that we had when John locked everyone out of the house! Guess we better increase her pay or something to keep her happy :-) Sunday was the Petersen Christmas party and it was fun. Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas! Be safe and we love you all! Jim Gwen Reagan and John p.s. John's funny for the week: he took his tricycle on a walk and every few seconds he stopped, got off and touched all of the tires, saying "psssst" like putting air in them. It was funny! All boy!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I can't believe that story about the babysitter and your neighbor! That poor girl must have been scared to death! :) Hope you had a great Christmas.