

Monday, April 27, 2009


Hi all! Hope everyone is well and healthy...we are hot and hopefully healthy (we never know if the "nursery" bug is going to kick in until Tues/Wed :-) This past week was a super busy one for Gwen's work phones and Jim kept busy with church stuff. Monday Jim bought a new toy with some of the tax return (flat screen tv) and Tuesday Reagan and Cara had a date to buy more school pants. Wednesday was cannery day for Gwen and Thursday Jim helped someone move something and then we went to dinner with someone from our ward at Fuddrucker's. Reagan's school has these nights once a month where if you go to the restaurant, part of the money goes to the school and who ever's class has the most go to the restaurant they get a cookie party. We have only done this twice during the school year, so it was nice to do it as a family. Friday we had a friend over to play with the kids and Jim helped set up for the ward preparedness fair. Saturday morning the kids had a babysitter and we went to the preparedness fair - Jim also had to do a short presentation on the employment center. The fair was pretty good, kind of long though, but we learned some things and are hopefully motivated in some areas (i.e. better gardening, gwen to make bread :-) that afternoon we had a baptism for someone in the ward and then Jim went to Jaren's house for a night of UFC/fellowshipping :-) Sunday was meetings, home teachers, movie night for the family. We hope everyone is well, and are looking forward to seeing everyone for the wedding! Love, Jim Gwen Reagan and John

Monday, April 20, 2009


Congratulations Jake and Kenzie!!!! Very exciting :-) That helped decide when Gwen took her trip to UT for the summer - good thing the swimming lessons are earlier in June! Monday we had a family bowling day. The kids did pretty good and the white-haired's next to us were entertained by the kids bowling. Tuesday Jim had the day off (we have had a hard time getting the mexican candy needed for Jim's business) so Gwen worked in Reagan's classroom while Jim and John ran errands and took the van in for alignment. That night Jim had EQ Employment night at the Stake Center and Gwen and Cara went to the sealing for cousin Carol Crandell and Shon. It was a very nice evening and they had a lot of support. Wednesday morning Gwen had a long presidency meeting. Later John didn't feel so good and he layed around abit, so after school Gwen and Reagan planted the garden. Sure wish dad were around to give some helpful hints, although this arizona planting seems to be alot different than UT! That afternoon John complained of a hurt stomach so we got to the doctor before closing and found out that John has strep - yippee. It was a really rough couple of nights. So Thursday we stayed home. Friday Gwen got the kids signed up for swimming, after lunch her and the kids ran a couple of errands, including getting "summer fun movie" tickets. It's 10 movies (one movie a week) throughout the summer for $7 per person! Hopefully this will get us out of the house but somewhere cool too! We were going to head to Pinedale this weekend but that night Reagan complained of a sore throat so, sure enough, she had sores in her mouth. Saturday at the doctor she said it wasn't strep, but like mouth blisters - yipee. So we stayed in this weekend. Jim went to priesthood on Saturday afternoon and Gwen went to Stake Conference on Sunday. We are now on the mend (except for those darn allergies) and we hope everyone is well. Love, Jim Gwen Reagan and John p.s. we have really entered the sibling fighting stage. The pattern seems to be, John poking or scooching really close to Reagan to bother her and she yells/cries like she is dying, yeah.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Hello all! Monday was busy, we had a large candy order delivered and Jim took Grandpa to get his hearing aids adjusted. Tuesday Gwen was able to go help a little in Reagan's classroom and that afternoon was a little busy with someone coming to look at the countertops, Jaren, Jenny and Hailey came for playing and dinner and then Jim was off to church stuff and Gwen and Kim went to a bridal shower while Cake watched the kids. Wednesday we probably went to the park after Reagan's school (I can't remember) and Thursday Gwen started feeling really yuckky with a doozie of a sinus infection. Friday there was no school and so Cake took Reagan on a "date" to the park and Target. Gwen and John did mini errands. That afternoon Gwen went to the doctor and Jim was home early enough that he could watch/play with the kids. Saturday was rainy all day which Gwen loved, but she wasn't working on the church farm in the rain like Jim - he got to play in the mud! Then he came home and the van had a flat tire so it became a frustrating family outing to Sam's tire shop. First, we wandered around for an hour and went back and he said he couldn't find anything, but at our urging said he would look at it again. So we went back inside and had pizza for lunch. We went back to the tire shop and he said he couldn't find anything still so we went to the van in the parking lot and Gwen HEARD the air hissing out of the tire, so we went back in (at this point Jim was sure the guy hadn't done the proper testing in the water tank) and he came out and listened to it himself. So we hung around some more and when Jim went to check, the guy was having lunch! ugh! Soon after we were on our way - ugh! Saturday we also colored easter eggs-the kids ended up having green hands. Sunday we decorated our bunny cake, hunted a few eggs before church and then church and home to get ready for Cake and some of the Petersens for dinner. It was fun, but the kids were so crazy with sugar and tired that it was early to bed for them. Have a great week! Love, Jim Gwen Reagan and John

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Hi all! This past week was a busy but fun one for the Petersens. Monday Jim worked in Tucson all day and got home late. Tuesday he also had a long day in Phoenix and Gwen and the kids got ready for the trip to San Diego. Tuesday night was the Pinewood Derby so Gwen and kids went, luckily Jim came and got the kids so Gwen could help clean up. Wednesday Reagan went to school and Gwen and Jim alternated errands and then we headed to San Diego after lunch. The kids did really well on the ride and we arrived early evening and the kids got to playing right away. Thursday while the Hurdsmans were in school or at work the Petersens went to Sea World. It was perfect weather (even a little chilly) and we saw a couple of shows, Shamu and Pets Rule. The kids loved the shows and the animals. We did the skyride too and did better than I thought with kids up high. We played with cousins that night and Friday we did another day at Sea World that was more relaxed but a lot of fun. The kids got REALLY close to the sting rays (actually I think they were bat rays) and they played in the water kids area so then we came home. Every night the kids played hard, but they had the hardest time getting to sleep because they were so happy to be together. Saturday was setting up the new swingset for the CA Hurdsmans. It was an all day/night project with the men attending Priesthood in between. Finally at 11 pm kids were asleep and the adults cleaned up and had ice cream and went to bed. It was nice to be mellow for Conference on Sunday and now we are heading home to AZ and hopefully the good weather won't leave when we get there. Glad Morgan is doing well and hope everyone has a good week. Love Jim Gwen Reagan and John


This past week was a busy but fun one for the Petersens. Monday Jim worked in Tucson all day and got home late. Tuesday he also had a long day in Phoenix and Gwen and the kids got ready for the trip to San Diego. Tuesday night was the Pinewood Derby so Gwen and kids went, luckily Jim came and got the kids so Gwen could help clean up. Wednesday Reagan went to school and Gwen and Jim alternated errands and then we headed to San Diego after lunch. The kids did really well on the ride and we arrived early evening and the kids got to playing right away. Thursday while the Hurdsmans were in school or at work the Petersens went to Sea World. It was perfect weather (even a little chilly) and we saw a couple of shows, Shamu and Pets Rule. The kids loved the shows and the animals. We did the skyride too and did better than I thought with kids up high. We played with cousins that night and Friday we did another day at Sea World that was more relaxed but a lot of fun. The kids got REALLY close to the sting rays (actually I think they were bat rays) and they played in the water kids area so then we came home. Every night the kids played hard, but they had the hardest time getting to sleep because they were so happy to be together. Saturday was setting up the new swingset for the CA Hurdsmans. It was an all day/night project with the men attending Priesthood in between. Finally at 11 pm kids were asleep and the adults cleaned up and had ice cream and went to bed. It was nice to be mellow for Conference on Sunday and now we are heading home to AZ and hopefully the good weather won't leave when we get there. Glad Morgan is doing well and hope everyone has a good week.