

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Yes, it's very late at night (OK, early in the morning) and here Gwen sits at the computer trying to figure out health insurance, doing data entry for corporate taxes and dealing with pain from a root canal earlier in the day. I want my bed!!! Alas, the Yuma Hurdsmans are anxious to get the Hurdsman Hurd so I must fight off the sleep and get to writing...Monday we had Hilary, her mom Paula and baby Bonnie arrive in Mesa. Reagan was so excited to see them! Bonnie's a cutie and is growing fast! Reagan and Gwen had made cupcakes for a party...and then we coerced Cara into coming to our house for her "Happy Birthday Jane" party! "Jane" is Cara's new neck...she had surgery 4 years ago after her car wreck and one of her discs needed to be replaced and yes, it came from a generous Jane Doe and so every year Jane gets a birthday of her own. It was fun to have her come while Hilary was in town. That night Roger flew in from his interview in ID and we had a visit. They left the next morning and we started our routine for the rest of the week (Webelos, church calls for Jim, being parents). Gwen actually got her visiting teaching done this past week and Jim kept busy with all he does. Actually on Wednesday Jeremy called in sick so we kind of had a family day which was fun, but threw off Gwen's days for the rest of the week! Saturday was a busy day, Gwen and the kids went to meet Gwen's first college roommate from Snow. It was fun to see her and hard to believe it's been so long. Then we went to a bounce place for the kids and then off to Aunt Carolyn's birthday gathering at Kris' house. It was fun to see cousins and we enjoyed the visits. Sunday was church and Petersen dinner at Jaren's after Reagan's meltdown. We hope everyone is well and enjoying cool weather. Love Gwen and the gang

Monday, January 19, 2009


Whew, another long week gone by...Gwen was on-call and it seemed to be a long week with the kids. Jim did his usual week of working hard, with a few Suns games in between. Well to start at the beginning, Monday was parent/teacher conference, Reagan is doing well and is very SHY in class (huh?). That night Steve brought Cara by after their birthday dinner for cake. The kids loved having her here for birthday cake. Then it was more of our "24" :-) Tuesday John went to the ENT and his tubes looked good, but there might be other things going on with his breathing so we are currently doing nose spray. We watched one of Reagan's friends after her school and then it was Webelos and Jim's church night. Reagan had a chance to play with one of her church friends on Wed & Thur since she was out of school due to PT conferences. Thursday night was Enrichment and it was about preparedness and Gwen got some new ideas for 72 hr kits that she had never thought of before and then they showed everyone how to use the stake canner. Anna, Gwen's Webelos pal, brought a ton of M&M's to can :-) smart girl! Friday was good but long. First Gwen took the kids to Sam's to have the van tire fixed. Then off to IKEA, much better without kids, but what's a mom to do...and then to the zoo. This is the first time we've been in awhile and it was good, we saw about 5 animals in 2 hrs cuz the kids loved watching the giraffes and otters. Saturday was Jim's fun day - he went shooting with some guys and then went to his brother's that night. Gwen got some tax stuff done and even ironed church clothes! We hope everyone is well. Love the petersen gang

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Hi all! This week John was sick most of the week and Jim seemed to be helping people alot this week, all until pretty late. So Gwen has pretty much stayed home with John, Reagan has enjoyed school and jumping on the trampoline. Thursday Gwen went to the temple early for Stake Temple Day and then went home so Jim could head to work. That night he went to the temple and Gwen bailed on Scouting Roundtable to watch a sick John (and Reagan of course). Saturday Gwen and Reagan took Cake out to lunch for her birthday and then the girls went to the park for a party for Reagan's preschool teacher - they had offically adopted a toddler and were sealed to him that day. Jim helped our new neighbhor set up their trampoline (this is the same neighbor that scared the crap out of our babysitter). So Sunday Gwen was home with John, and Reagan and daddy went to church together. It's an amazing thing that whenever it's just Reagan and her dad, she is a complete angel...but when mom enters the picture...anyway, she's a daddy's girl. Hope everyone is well, love the Petersens

Monday, January 5, 2009


Happy New Year! Well, Jim and I can't even remember what happened this past week, and all we had was Martinelli's :-) Gwen was on call and Jim worked Tues/Wed/Fri. Wednesday Gwen took the kids to a different park and we rode the little train and other rides. We forgot our duck food so we'll have to go back. That night we had Grandma, Rachel, Harvey and Jaren's family over for pizza and a couple of games. It was fun and everyone was gone by 9:15 so we put the kids down. As we were reading in bed there was a huge boom outside our bedroom wall - Jim went to investigate and our neighbors were doing some serious fireworks. Guess Jim didn't get to sleep until 2 am. So our plan to be asleep for the new year didn't work out! Friday while Jim was at work the kids went to Cake's to make gingerbread houses (but out of sugar cookie dough). They loved doing it with the Thornley kids and ate plenty of candy!!! Saturday Gwen started to take down Christmas and Jim went to a gun show with Jace. That night we went to Jaren's house to celebrate Hailey's #2 birthday. It was fun and we even got in the jacuzzi. Other than that, it was a few trips to the park or school to ride bikes, visiting with neighbors and jumping on the awesome trampoline. Sunday we started our new church schedule (noon) and it's going to better for Jim's meeting schedule but will make for a long day. We hope everyone is well and that so far so good on the new year. Love, Jim Gwen Reagan and John