

Monday, October 27, 2008


Whew are we glad last week is over! Monday was John's birthday and Reagan was soooooo excited! She got up early and we put up the decorations. She also decorated his birthday cake all by herself! with sprinkles and toy dinosaurs and palm trees, that were on blue water and white sand :-) We opened presents that night with Cake and Steve and he had a great time and got some fun boy toys. Thanks for calls and gifts! Tuesday both kids had well visits. they did OK although my tough Reagan freaked out at shot time, but luckily the nurse was so quick she didn't even know that it had been done! Wednesday was soccer practice, Thursday we took Cake to the airport, Friday we had a wedding reception for one of our favorite YSA. Saturday Gwen took the kids to Reagan's soccer game while Jim prepped the yard for winter grass. He spent a good portion of the day planting the grass and then went to his brother's for the evening while Gwen prepped for Sunday. Kids were not very good on Sunday and that evening we had Petersens over for family dinner and a mini family party for the kids' birthdays. They were so grouchy at bedtime so they didn't even get their baths, we just wanted them in bed!!! The week seemed long and Gwen had a very busy work week with phones and for the second time the pool broke and emptied out about a foot of water from the pool. And the bank messed up on one of Jim's business accounts and we had to take the hit, which was not nice, so we are changing banks on Monday. Hope this week is better, it sure is busy. Have a fun Halloween everyone! Love, Jim Gwen Reagan and John
p.s. just a little sidenote. Jace is now working for Volkswagen instead of GM and one of his perks is he gets to drive a new model car for several weeks and write a report on it. He just got his first car, a sporty two door 2009 Audi ($55K). He took us for a ride and it's great all of the gadgets. But the coolest is that you can set the distance you want between you and the car in front of you. So if you put on cruise control, the car will automatically speed up to that speed, but if you come up on a car, it will automatically slow down when you get to the preset distance, and it will do it quickly too. it has the backup monitor and a gauge to show you when to stop to be a safe distance. Anyway, just some fun things, and he might even get to drive Porsches! and Bentleys!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Hi all! Hopefully Rog and Hilary are adjusting to their new life! Happy Birthday Ellie - hope the ballerina party was fun! This past week was pretty busy and now I can't remember most of Monday. I know it was busy because I remember rushing to get dinner to Kris Crandell Martinez. Tuesday the kids got to play with my visiting teachers kids since we took the Webelos to the Dinosaur museum. It was much better that way - one of my boys has the shortest attention span!!! Actually I'm surprised he remembered to even come! Wednesday was parent teacher conference and Reagan is doing really well. She is so "quiet and good" in class that I'm pretty sure we were talking about a different kid - We are glad she is good in school though! That night was soccer practice and Jim continued to work nonstop. Reagan was out of school wed-fri so we just hung out and did errands, getting ready for Pinedale. Thursday night Cara watched the kids while we went to ward temple night. We were going to drive to pinedale that night but chickened out, so we stayed home and watched "the office" (just not that funny this week) and we slept in our own bed. Friday morning we left and got to Pinedale about noon - just in time for the truck of rock to be delivered. Jim was anxious to get that done with winter coming because that mudd is just unbearable! So we received the truck of rock, then went to town and ate and got a few misc things. That night Jim hauled rock and he did that all day Saturday while we hung out in the cabin (sadly we could only help a little since there were wasps everywhere!) Sunday we attended the local ward and we will not be visiting that ward again - not one person said anything to us. Jim was pretty disgusted - from the missionary view point. We got home and put kids to bed and now it's another week. Hope everyone is well, we love you all! Jim Gwen Reagan and John

Monday, October 13, 2008


Congratulations Rog and Hilary! Bonnie is a cutie! She'll get her cheeks squeezed alot! Hope all is going well for the Hurdsmans at home and that Hilary is recovering well. Monday Jaren and Jennie invited us to go see "An American Carol". It was silly in parts but we liked the subtle political jokes. We also had a candy order come that day. Tuesday was Jim's EQ night and Gwen put kids down early. Wednesday Reagan was out of school early and then off for the rest of the week for "fall break". Thursday after Gwen did baptisms at the temple (thanks Cara for babysitting) Gwen took the kids to Schnepf Farm and met Kim there. If any of you ever come to visit us in fall/winter, this is a great place to go. It is unlimited kid amusement rides, petting farm, playground, dunebuggy races in a hay maze, pig races, slide, hay ride and fireworks and food at night. It was a really hot day but we had fun. Friday was a bad mommy day. John destroyed Gwen's glasses and finally it was cooling off so Gwen took the kids to the school to ride bikes. Then Gwen was off to Costco to deal with the glasses problem. Saturday Jim took the kids and Gwen went to the grocery store. That afternoon we hung around and then went to see the progress on Cake's painting. Sunday was OK, except for the poopy diaper incident at church. If you want to know, keep reading, if not, stop here...Right before the sacrament, John announced he was "gingky" so we left the chapel. I stayed close to take the sacrament and John ran down the hall. I went to go get him at the end of the hall and as I leaned to pick him up, a little turd dropped down from his pants onto the floor! I was humiliated! I hurriedly scooped the "thing" with a wipe, praying no one saw this. I picked john up and headed to the mother's room. His diaper had come undone and it was on his pants. So I went to get the keys in the bag and he ran in with his shoes, shirt and diaper! I grabbed him and we headed home to make a change. Ugh! Hope everyone is well and has a good day! Yippeee! We can finally open windows and doors!!! Love Jim Gwen Reagan and John

Monday, October 6, 2008


Hi all! Again, the week was a blur...oh where does the time go? Monday was the normal errands day. Tuesday we waited for a candy order and then it was Webelos day. We did mini pizzas on the grill, but while we were getting the pizzas ready inside, the grill caught fire and there were flames coming out of it and smoke everywhere!! well the pizzas turned out toastier and we had to try a second go around! Jim had presidency meeting that night also. Wednesday was Reagan's soccer practice. Thursday the kids got much needed haircuts and then we went to a new bounce place. It had a few big bounces and a really big climbing net (?) with slides. It was fun cuz "mom" could play too. This was the reward for Reagan earning two months of "green marks" at school. Thursday kids got ready for bed and as soon as Jim got home, Gwen ran to Round Table for Scouts. Friday Reagan went to play with a friend and John and Gwen had the brakes checked before our trip to Pinedale. Friday night Gwen and Jim had a date and then Saturday morning Reagan had soccer pictures and a game. Luckily it was cloudy and windy so it was really nice outside. Right after her game we loaded the van and headed to Pinedale. We had alot of rain and of course that means terrible pinedale mud. Do you Hurdsmans remember the Pinedale mud????? I remember at the first reunion there that the kids would walk around in it and see who could get the most inches of mud on their flip flops. Kind of like platform shoes! "Poppa" and "Tamma" and Rachel joined us at the cabin. Saturday night Jim and Steve went to Priesthood and Gwen and the kids went to the crandell cabin to let the kids play together. They loved Aunt Carolyn's dressup stuff! Sunday the Thornleys came over and we all watched Conference together. It was a nice afternoon. We headed home about 7pm (intentionally) so the kids would fall asleep on the drive. Jim and Gwen haven't had that much quiet to talk in a long time!! Hope all is well...looking forward to hearing about a new baby Hurdsman....Love, Jim Gwen Reagan and John