

Monday, August 25, 2008


Hello! Well, the Petersen's had a pretty good week, with a bit of bad news mixed in...Monday Jim went to the Orthopedic doctor after his knee had really been bothering him. He learned that a knee replacement is in the near future :-( He is going to get some helps like anti-inflamatory meds and a special brace and he is going to hang on as long as possible. Also on Monday, Reagan was home sick from school so it was a different kind of day.

Tuesday Gwen started up with Webelos again, she just isn't into the groove yet with this calling. Wednesday Reagan finished school for the day and we headed to Pinedale with grandma and grandpa Petersen. We got settled that night and enjoyed the Olympics on TV. Thursday morning we got up and all went fishing at Fool's Hollow Lake near Show Low. The kids were rowdy and we didn't get any nibbles, so we headed out because everyone was tired (especially grandpa). We ate lunch and took a break and then we headed back to the lake with the kids, leaving grandpa and grandma to enjoy some quiet time. We went to a different dock and it was perfect! Jim caught the first fish, Reagan caught her's and then Jim caught the same catfish twice! (we could see the previous hook injury on it). The kids had a great time and we are really happy they got to experience that. We even had a family of ducks come see us at the dock so the kids fed them all of our crackers and then John was sure they needed a drink so he grabbed Gwen's water jug and started to give them a drink. It was adorable. Here are some pictures - unfortunately we forgot the camera so these are from our phones.

Friday morning we headed to Snowflake. We walked around the temple and saw lots of lizards and then we had lunch and went to visit some of Grandma's friends nearby. It was a good afternoon. When we headed to Show Low again Reagan mentioned she didn't feel good, being the drama queen that she is, we didn't pay much attention. Well, luckily Gwen was in back with her and had 2 bags handy because she caught most of what came up and saved Grandma's van! We figure it was food poisoning from lunch because she was completely fine after that. That night after kids were in bed, the big kids played Aggravation ("marbles") and had a great time. Lois was a complete ham trying to mess Cleibe up on his turn!

Saturday we got up and did laundry and left about noon to head home. We got back into the heat and jumped into the pool while the house cooled down (93 degrees). Now it's back to reality. Hope everyone is well, have a great holiday weekend!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Hello Hurdsmans! Well the big event for the week was that school started on Monday, August 11th! Reagan was so excited that she did just as her teacher said at Meet the Teacher...go to bed early the night before and get up early the day of school. And she was up early....too early! Gwen and John walked Reagan to school and she was amazed at all of the kids! She loved it and has received a green mark (a good day) every day of school. Tuesday Gwen and John waited for a candy order and then had a Webelos meeting. Wednesday night Gwen had a RS/YW class on personal safety, it was good but made for a paranoid Gwen:-) Friday morning Jim headed off to Pinedale with Jaren's family for the night. They went up to work on some things that needed to be done. Jim had fixed Reagan's bike the night before so of course she HAD to ride it to school on Friday. We'll have to get into that routine, it's still kind of hot so it will be so nice to walk/ride when it is cooler. Gwen and John ran errands and then picked Reagan up from school, with John riding his tricycle. The ride to the school went fine, but home took us what seemed like a million years. We spent some time in the pool and unfortunately the big umbrella and it's 50 lb concrete stand all blew into the pool while we were in it (this is the second umbrella we have lost this way - ugh). Gwen and Reagan were able to get the stand out of the pool and then off to Cake's house we went for a bit. That night we had a "picnic" with takeout and we tried to play around alot that day, hide and seek are one of the favorites. Oh and moving Reagan's bed and doing gymnastics on it. Saturday we hung around home since Gwen was on-call. Jim got home that afternoon and we went and played BB at the church gym. Sunday was the norm. We are all glad to have Jim back and are looking forward to all going to Pinedale next weekend for a family vacation with "Poppa" and "Ta-ma". We have all really enjoyed the Olympics this week too. Hope everyone is well. Love, Gwen Jim Reagan and John
p.s. unfortunately the Petersen kids are perfecting the art of fighting :-(

Monday, August 11, 2008


Hello! Last week seemed to drag on and go fast at the same time...Jim did his church work and Gwen waited around for a candy order on Tuesday and the new bed on Wednesday - it's so nice! We are really enjoying it and luckily Jim's back started feeling better almost immediately. It is a bit high though so John has had to practice climbing on it since it is the favorite jumping spot of course! Wednesday night we had a wedding reception for one of Bishop Cooley's kids and Thursday Jim was in Tucson and the van had serious problems. So after the grocery store trip the kids stayed in. That night Gwen went to her first Scouting Roundtable, interesting...and too long. It's a whole new world and I'm feeling a bit awkward about the whole thing. Thursday afternoon we also went to "Meet the Teacher" for Reagan. Our fearless Reagan was a bit overwhelmed! But she supposedly has the best teacher in the school. Friday we stayed home (no van) and got mommy ready for her getaway to Yuma (yippee - the kids stayed with dad!) That night Cara and Gwen headed to Yuma and got there about 10pm, knocked on the wrong door and felt silly then found the hurdsmans, all playing Wii. Saturday morning we had a super breakfast and the girls headed to the baby shower and the boys went swimming in the complex pool. The shower was fun, Katie (Hilary's little sister) was in charge and she did a really good job. Hilary/Bonnie scored on the gifts. I have never seen anyone get sooooooooooo many hats!!! Then it was home to lunch, to Boysuns for ice cream and then games, dinner and leaving for home. It was such a fun getaway and to see the yuma and CA hurdsmans. Sydney sure is growing up! Jim took the kids for icee's Friday night (got the van running for a bit) and then Saturday they played in the pool and misc. Sunday was church and FHE to prepare Reagan for school on Monday morning. Hope everyone is well, love Jim Gwen Reagan and John

Monday, August 4, 2008


Hello all! Well it's August and for us that means school will be starting soon (yippee! Reagan will be in pre-K) and it also means we are more than half way through our lovely summer in AZ :-)

This past week we had Nana in AZ and it was alot of fun. Monday we had the Petersen's over for Aunt Rachel's birthday and we kind of kidnapped mom so she wouldn't leave. It was fun and the cousins always like playing together. Tuesday morning we all got in the pool and it was fun to just relax and enjoy a little bit of coolness outside. Gwen finished off her VT for the month and Nana spent a good portion of the week with Cara. Friday the Petersens, Nana and Cara (steve was sick) went to dinner and enjoyed a night out. Saturday Cake took Nana to the airport and Gwen and kids got in the pool while Jim was doing a service project. Then it was just a day of cleaning and misc. To get out of the house we went looking at beds. The bed has really been bothering Jim's back every night so a change has been in the works. We hit 2 stores and at the second we found a GREATLY discounted bed that just needs some hand sewing on the seam at one part. Hopefully this will do the trick for Jim's back. Sunday was meetings and the usual. Hope everyone is well and have a great week! Love, Jim Gwen Reagan and John